What You Should Know About The Dental Implant Industry?

Advances in dentistry in the last decade or so have led to remarkable technological developments. Dental implants have become the treatment of choice for replacing lost or missing teeth, and if done with the right surgical technique, the success rate has exceeded 95%. 

As a concept of osseointegration or fusion of titanium with bone in the early 1960s by an orthopaedic surgeon, the application of this concept has been adapted for dental use. However, using this method in a dental environment is considered risky and cannot be predicted. 

At this point, success rates are rarely close to 55-60%, and many doctors believe that their inclusion inpatient care plans may be too early for the predictable success of certain prostheses. 

To increase success, changes in the surface design of dental implants were largely introduced without strong clinical evidence to support manufacturers' claims to increase success. Over the years of empirical experiments, titanium dental implants have been developed that are very similar to natural tooth roots.

About 40 years later, technology in the field of dental implants made it easier for general dentists and specialists to use it in conversation. When the implantology market exploded no more than a decade ago, many implant manufacturers decided to make inappropriate changes to the surface of the implant topography to improve performance and gain market share for large implant companies that currently have 85 -95% of sales of dental implants.