What To Expect During Dental Implant Treatment

It is possible that you might already know those who have undergone dental implant care and hopefully their experience is positive. Dental implants can be very good for replacing lost teeth and this treatment quickly becomes a gold standard for dealing with tooth loss. Apart from this, how much do you know about care and what is expected?

What is a dental implant about how it works?

Dental Implant in Weston, Wellesley, Wayland, Sudbury, MA is actually quite easy, generally consisting of three separate parts that include implant posts or screws that are inserted into your Jawbone, abutment attached to the post, or screw implants and that stand out right above your gum line.

All about dental implants - Murphy Orthodintics

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The idea behind using the screw or post is that it will bind with your jaw during a process called Osseointegration. This is where new bone cells begin to grow on a special implanted implant post, finally holding a strong post in place so that it cannot move even a small portion. This bond process helps make sure the implant post is enough strong to hold the replacement teeth. 

Why is the treatment of dental implants often better than other alternatives?

Dental implants can also be more aesthetic, especially when used to replace single teeth. Top-rated dentists can make new beautiful implant gears that are extraordinarily realistic, using high-quality materials. We ensure these teeth are designed to provide the correct amount of support for your cheeks and lips, avoid the sinking look that can be aging prematurely in people who suffer from double loss.