Use Business Intelligence Strategies to Drive Corporate Transformation

Business Intelligence is well recognized for its ability to optimize both the price and revenue activities in an organization. What is less recognized is the power of business intelligence a process transformational tool.

Using a BI-driven design approach, enterprise transformation programs can dramatically increase their chances of attaining predefined business value. You may learn how effectively you can use BI to give your business an unbeatable growth by navigating

BI occurs at several levels:

  • By ensuring all processes are directly linked to strategic objectives
  • By embedding Information into processes to support evidence-based decisions
  • To provide alerts and automated decision making to significantly speed up a deliverable cycle
  • By monitoring the performance of processes via dashboards
  • By ensuring a continuous improvement cycle is effective
  • Thus, the value of BI extends far beyond the capability to extract, aggregate and analyze data.

Using BI to enable enterprise processes and other supporting technology can fundamentally change the way an enterprise responds to its organizational design challenges.

BI & the Enterprise

Most OD initiatives are driven by cost and revenue-optimization goals that support the recognition that to become leaner, more effective and more competitive, the organization must be defined by strategic value chains, rather than functional activity areas such as Finance, Marketing, Logistics, HR, etc

With the massive volumes of data generated by companies today, integrating BI into Enterprise Resource Planning and Enterprise Data Warehouse technologies enables this data can effectively release intelligence about the company's internal and external operations.