Ask Right Questions to Find a Right School for Your Kid

The push for educational reforms and the increasing alternatives to one-size-fits-all learning gave a whole new dimension to education. Today, parents have a wide range of options ranging from traditional and private schools to International schools when it comes to joining their kids in school. But, how can you decide whether a school is right for your kid? By seeing the test results? Infrastructure? Or qualifications of the teaching staff? If you want to get the information about international schools then you could visit here.

This is a haunting question for every parent with school-age children. In this article we will discuss a few questions one should ask and get answers before joining their little ones.

1. Are teachers and staff welcoming? If you are made to feel that you are wasting their precious time, they have an attitude problem and such a school is a big 'No' for your kids

2. What is the attitude of teachers towards kids?

3. Does the school communicate with parents regularly?

4. Does the school seek out parent council?

5. Do they have extra-curricular activities?

6. Does the school adopt corporal punishments to correct misbehaving kids? It's quite natural for the kids to be messy at times, but this does not mean that schools are given right to physically abuse the kids for being messy. An ideal school is the one which equips the kids with all the necessary skills for them to be successful in their life.


How does the school measure progress of the students? Does it rely only on a test score? Test scores can tell only a little about the students' ability. Hence, any school that relies only on test score as a parameter to check the progress of the kids is definitely not an ideal school for your little one.

 Are the teachers up-to date with the technology?

How is the technology integrated into the classes? For instance, the majority of schools prefers PowerPoint presentations for explaining tough concepts to students. Does the school which you choose to incorporate modern technology in their day-to-day learning.